• Q: Do you ship internationally?
  • A: Yes, we offer international shipping for all our products.
  • Q: How can I track my order?
  • A: After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email that includes your tracking number.
  • Q: Can I request a custom design?
  • A: Absolutely! We offer a customization service. Please contact us for further information.
  • Q: How do I clean and maintain my glass art?
  • A: Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently clean the glass. Our glass art is waterproof, color fading-resistant and easy-cleaning. Avoid using harsh chemicals that could damage the artwork.
  • Q: What is the best way to display my glass art?
  • A: Our artworks come with sawtooth hangers installed, making them easy to hang. Just open the box and you’re ready to brighten your walls!
  • Q: How long does delivery usually take?
  • A: Delivery times vary depending on the destination, but typically it takes 7-14 business days.